man oh man another saturday :) i'm so glad i didn't have to work today, cause i was running out of excuses to skip out on saturdays haha. i woke up this morning 'round 7 to a facebook mobile - ya diiig haha. so i thought why not make use of my weekend and popped in one of my dvd's that i copped yesterday. first off (lance stands up to start a slow dramatic clap that soon turns into a thunderous applause) "the outsiders" is the shit, it's kinda like a preteen version of "four brothers". the cast itself was fuckin gnarly, you had: the coach from mighty ducks, the white cop that sexually harrassed and saved her black ass in crash, oprah couch-stomper, the dirty dirty dancer, and the mother fucking karate kid! (plus two other guys that i can't think of a "funny"). these dudes were badass w/ the whole jean jackets and hair that looks like they scooped the grease from my left over dong pong lechon.
as i was in the middle of the movie, i hear my doorbell go off. my blinds are wide open, i'm sittin in the field of vision of anyone that walks by my house or is @ the my underwear. i don't know why i stood up, looked right at the mormons - they look straight back at me and sat back down. i was like, "this is MY house (not really), i don't gotta answer shit". so maybe 2 minutes go by, and then i hear knockin on the window AND THESE DUDES ARE LOOKING AT ME (the kinda look where their nose is molesting the glass w/ their hands on both side of their faces to "get a closer look") SITTING ON MY COUCH! so i did what any other tough millwoods thug would do. i paused my movie and went to my room for like 10 minutes waiting for them to leave, duh.
so i copped that movie w/ the beverly hills cop trilogy ( 2 for $30 holla!) and knocked up. straight up you can quote this shit, i liked knocked up more than superbad. don't get me wrong, superbad was hella funny but i wanted to "SUPERSOAK THAT HOOOE!" katherine heigl.