Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
first off - cali's winter is hotter than edmonton's summer. so i just back to sacramento after a 72 hours of shenanigans & shopping in san diego & LA.
it was my first tim
e in san diego and no lie - that's probably one of the nicest city i've been to in a hella long time. they have this one area called "gas lamp" which is like if whyte ave and bourbon street had sex and gave birth to a beautiful baby that was packed with cracken clubs and hella pros. we stayed at an ill hotel called "the sheraton" it was hella sick because our view was the ocean (what a way to wake up then to see snow). and we hit up this one mall called "fashion valley" - COT DAMN! i felt i was on some "weekenders" hype, that mall was straight out of the cartoon.
i don't know how my liver didn't explode after a 3 day marathon of losing my brain. i wish i remember the last club we went to on saturday night in SD was called (we hit a club called "c" and "whiskey girl" prior), i was too faded to know what the last spot was called. BUT i do remember the $25 cover charge (AAAH), but it was well worth it. 2 floors of house and hip hop and hella packed with pros. blew over 3, killed my liver and my wallet.

the sickest part of the whole night is when we hit up "EL CHILE". got our greasy intake for the evening/morning by eating carne asada fries (balllin!) this right here shits on anything denny's has to offer. imagine taco bell's supreme fries but actually made by mexicans not bombais.
it was my first tim
the sickest part of the whole night is when we hit up "EL CHILE". got our greasy intake for the evening/morning by eating carne asada fries (balllin!) this right here shits on anything denny's has to offer. imagine taco bell's supreme fries but actually made by mexicans not bombais.
globe trotting
Friday, December 26, 2008

i was walking around the airport and hit up a small convenience store. low and behold i found this futuristic shit. ASTRONAUT ICE CREAM! i was like, "why have i never seen that shit up north?" i flip it backwards and i see this is a product of THE US GOV'T haha. opened it up, looked like chalk ... smelled like chalk ... and it tasted like chalk. so i went to some soft-pretzel joint 2 stores down. i've only been in america for 2 hours and i'm already an american fatass.
dear diary,
globe trotting,
i'm sitting in the denver airport across from two old asian men "debating" about, from what i can decipher, what color crocs they're going to purchase hahah. it's hella lame how denver has free wifi & edmonton doesn't - womp womp. step your game up 780 annnd my first american purchase for the trip isssss..
...jamba juice :)

dear diary,
globe trotting,
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
i fell off the P90X hype as of december 17. i lost my brain along with my diet and reintroduced myself to cup spillin' & words slurrin' LF. i've reached the 48 hour countdown before i cloud-hop my "2 cream 2 sugar" coffee hue ass to california. so i'm trying to compress a week's worth of exercises into two days. i doubt that'll happen, because as i'm typing this i'm still laying down in bed BUT it's all about positive attitude and vibes.
Merry Christmas everyone! be safe and have fun :)
Merry Christmas everyone! be safe and have fun :)
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
why do they always play "Soul Plane" out of all the blAckbuster films? boyz n da hood? no. juice? no. not even the color purple. but EVERY week i see that soul plane is on at least 2 times. tom arnold really reps for black star power.
dear diary
Sunday, December 21, 2008
it feels so good to wake up on a sunday without worrying about studying for a final or finishing an assignment that i procrastinated up until the last minute.
yesterday was KDUB's christmas party. we all overshot the amount of food we should of brought haha. and the experiment to make "drunk watermelons" failed horribly, but i gave myself a gold star sticker for the effort, big up to DD for being the host for the night.
i just realized that this is my first christmas being single in a hella long time. being in the winter season, people pack on a couple extra pounds to keep 'em warm - my wallet has done the same too haha. so this year i decided to give myself a christmas present that i'll open on the 26th aka my flight to Cali. goodbye snow, hello sun
hope everyone had a good weekend! take care...on and off the roads :)
yesterday was KDUB's christmas party. we all overshot the amount of food we should of brought haha. and the experiment to make "drunk watermelons" failed horribly, but i gave myself a gold star sticker for the effort, big up to DD for being the host for the night.
i just realized that this is my first christmas being single in a hella long time. being in the winter season, people pack on a couple extra pounds to keep 'em warm - my wallet has done the same too haha. so this year i decided to give myself a christmas present that i'll open on the 26th aka my flight to Cali. goodbye snow, hello sun
hope everyone had a good weekend! take care...on and off the roads :)
dear diary
Friday, December 19, 2008
this first semester flew by HELLA fast.
now i got over three weeks to chill like a tray of ice cubes. but i won't be too cold for to long because..... it's the officially 7 days until i head down to cali! see some new faces in sac-town and see some familiar faces in LA. a couple of days ago the RTA family celebrated our last day as 1 semesters with an ugly christmas sweater @ mac's. prior to that we did a pre-celebratory get together and we did "operation lose your brain". what a way to go out in style for a detox - hella faded.
now i gotta get ready to throw some 'bows at the mall to do some christmas shopping. then tomorrow is the KDUB christmas party. holler back in a bit!
- LF
now i got over three weeks to chill like a tray of ice cubes. but i won't be too cold for to long because..... it's the officially 7 days until i head down to cali! see some new faces in sac-town and see some familiar faces in LA. a couple of days ago the RTA family celebrated our last day as 1 semesters with an ugly christmas sweater @ mac's. prior to that we did a pre-celebratory get together and we did "operation lose your brain". what a way to go out in style for a detox - hella faded.
now i gotta get ready to throw some 'bows at the mall to do some christmas shopping. then tomorrow is the KDUB christmas party. holler back in a bit!
- LF

dear diary,
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
my brain has tapped out. i don't think it's possible to retain that much information in my head. studying my ass for 7 finals is good enough for me. but cramming for 3 finals for tomorrow? i'm down for the count - i just want to fly some kites :(
Sunday, December 14, 2008

BUT MY body's telling me....the same thing - fuck studying.
3 days left of school/detox - wednesday please hurry up.
3 days left of school/detox - wednesday please hurry up.
dear diary
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
4 out of 10 finals are scratched off my list. 6 more to go, plus a final paper - let's get get get it.
but i decided i needed a day to blow off some steam and get some LF time. i got my P90X on, then had an appointment for a full body massage @ EC. (side note: this is on some grown man no prop 8 self induldgement i'm doing. fellas step your game up, take care of your body).
me and kid-cali hit up south common, and she suckered me into watchin' twilight. but i thought, "why not see what the whole hype was"... braa, that shit was hecka ill. it was like a chick flick and a vampire film all put together. now i'm loungin' @ home on a friday night watching the lost boys (another vampire movies, hella weird)'s too fucking cold to go out
but i decided i needed a day to blow off some steam and get some LF time. i got my P90X on, then had an appointment for a full body massage @ EC. (side note: this is on some grown man no prop 8 self induldgement i'm doing. fellas step your game up, take care of your body).
me and kid-cali hit up south common, and she suckered me into watchin' twilight. but i thought, "why not see what the whole hype was"... braa, that shit was hecka ill. it was like a chick flick and a vampire film all put together. now i'm loungin' @ home on a friday night watching the lost boys (another vampire movies, hella weird)'s too fucking cold to go out
dear diary,
Thursday, December 11, 2008
alright you fat bastard. i've only been asking for this for over 5 years now, and it's not alot either. regardless to the abundant amount of nice stunts and courteous gestures i've done since i've hit "puberty" - every year you have left me with a pile of coal on the 25th. is this some kind of joke? you waltz your fat ass around in MY HOUSE - eat MY cookies, drink MY milk with your white...glorious...manly....awwthhoommme beard. the fuck is up with that? real cool dude, rub that shit in my face. help a brother out and grant his one christmas wish for facial hair...fuck braa, even chest hair would be dope. thanks
dear diary
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
remember the other dude with JT in "dick in a box"? andy samberg is killlin'it in this music video, there's even an appearance from JT in andy's first single "jizz in my pants" HECKA funny haha.
music videos,

heroes and heroin,
Monday, December 8, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
to new and old readers - back in the day i was hella into the DJ game, went through my phase of spinnin' under QK. it was a trip though, i made 3 predictions prior to the new year of those three years on who i thought would blow up. back in '02 when kanye dropped his first single "through the wire", i already knew he was on another level. every year since then 'ye been killing the game.
and it was in the summer of '04 where i heard the Game's underground mixtapes floating around. now i ain't saying he relevant NOW, but when he blew the fuck up in '05 with his first album "The Documentary"
now my third prediction in '05 took some time to grow. it's not like i'm jumpin on the bandwagon of lil wayne's jock, cause i've been bumpin him since his '99 album "the block is hot". but when he dropped the carter II, i knew it was his time. then in '06 when he was featured w/ lloyd on "you", it was a wrap & lil wayne was the "featuring" king.
now i haven't done a prediction since '05 - but i'm makin chess moves. i'm not gonna blurt out someone's name every year thinking they gon' be fresh off of one song and turn out to be someone like flo rida. but i've been bumpin' drake's songs since '06. even if he doesn't blow up in '09 (which would be hecka dumb if he doesn't), you should youtube his shit and get familiar. he's had two mixtapes floating around since '06: room for improvement and comeback season. and this dude is CANADIAN (homegrown talent). did i mention he's that black kid in the wheelchair from degrassi? no homo. in the new year he'll be releasing his first studio album entitled "thank me later". actor, rapper, singer? shiiit
peep this freestyle he did over the beat of kanye's single "say you will" off of "808's and heartbreaks"
2009 is drake.
and it was in the summer of '04 where i heard the Game's underground mixtapes floating around. now i ain't saying he relevant NOW, but when he blew the fuck up in '05 with his first album "The Documentary"
now my third prediction in '05 took some time to grow. it's not like i'm jumpin on the bandwagon of lil wayne's jock, cause i've been bumpin him since his '99 album "the block is hot". but when he dropped the carter II, i knew it was his time. then in '06 when he was featured w/ lloyd on "you", it was a wrap & lil wayne was the "featuring" king.

peep this freestyle he did over the beat of kanye's single "say you will" off of "808's and heartbreaks"
2009 is drake.
heroes and heroin,
10 days left of my detox & of school. Cup spilling and words slurring on December 17 (do you know how hard it was not to celebrate yesterday's victory? cot damn!)
dear diary
Friday, December 5, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
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