Thursday, May 1, 2008

fuck the club, let's watch a movie!

whoaa, it's been a long minute since i've blogged something that wasn't K-D-U-B related haha. so what's been poppin in lance's world for the last little while? it's funny, i think i've spent every weekend watching a movie w/ the team. sad to say i've been disappointed 2 out of the 3 times we've went.

1. STREET KINGS - fuck that. i thought it would be kinda like training day, but naaah man - total shit, the plot just kept bouncing everywhere. who was the corrupted cop? who was the killer? in the end it only solidified my original belief - fuck the police.

2. THE FORBIDDEN KINGDOM...or is it forgotten kingdom? - maybe if i was back in elementary i would of that it was dope. i've waited so long for jet and jackie to do something together, but why - WHY did it have to be in a love child plot of "the chronicles of narnia" and "a cheesy 90's kung fu".

third time's a charm!

3. H & K: ESCAPE FROM GUANTANAMO BAY!!!! - i don't need to ruin it for anyone that hasn't watched it yet, it's hella funny & i didn't need to be high to watch the second one

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