Sunday, October 28, 2007

"dude i'm fucking cute"

SONGOFTHEMOMENT; bow wow ft. omarion - girlfriend

(lance laying on his bed on his stomach w/ his legs wiggling in the air) DEAR DIARY.... hahah

so last night i lost my virginity, my virginity to high-pitched repetitive sounds while dancing my heart till 5 in the mornin. so marv/floyd/chris/stu managed to break down my preconceived feelings towards raves last night - cause braa that shit was hella crazy. but what was fucked up was that we waited in line to get in for fucking TWO HOURS! && i remember i had to pee hella bad w/ stu, so we just pissed around the stairs area in the west ed parkin lot, and when i turn around there's two guys, dressed up in what seemed to be the left over costume shit that ends up on the floor at zellers, standing behind me staring at me smokin:

"that was a really long pee man"
"yeah braa, did u guys need to piss too? it's all yours"
"no we're good"
long pause
"so why are u guys standing behind me?"
long pause
"that's a nice costume"
& that's when i PEACED THE FUCK OUTTA THERE hahaha

but yea man, i felt like i was reading a comic book when i was there - cause a saw a shitload of X-men. eh eh? ECS-men? ECSTASY? thank you thank you, i'm here all week :)

overall great night, who doesn't wanna love a teddy bear? haha


predrinkin before scream; 1:10, "have u guys ever gone 3 days w/out pooing?" - stuart

Saturday, October 20, 2007

gr.7 lance had an icebox

been a minute since i've last blogged. couple a days ago i was @ the gym w/ teets and we were talkin bout shit back from junior high when all the filipinos went through the phase of thinkin they were korean (don't front homie, i know you were one of them haha). ANYWAYS, do u remember that korean music video called kiss? or some shit like that. did i have no heart when i was younger, or was i some sort of a fat kid w/ glasses slash cyborg? cause shiiit, i just watched that vid today and i ain't sayin i'm a pussy or nothing - but there must be something wrong w/ the heating in my crib cause my eyes were all sweaty.

Friday, October 12, 2007


SONGOFTHEMOMENT; crank dat ryuuuuuuuu!

"lance, whats your plans for friday?"

siiigh, it's friday night & i'm @ home. seriously, my parents get more hyphy than i do :( this is hella dumb that i gotta work tomorrow, buuut i do live by c.r.e.a.m so it's all good.

so i spent the most portion of my night looking up highlights of floyd mayweather jr's career on youtube, then i came across his vids from dancing w/ the stars. why oh why? that shit is for D listed celebrities, mayweathers is deee shiiiit! haha. anyways, somehow searching through that shits i came across a home video of some punks crankin dat, "now watch me DOOOOOO"

but what the fuck is this? i know i heard crank dat spiderman/aquaman/batman......but fucking forest gump? i was hesitant at first, but over the past hour i've done more cardio than i have my whole life. i've cranked dat ryu to crankin dat megaman. braa, $10 bucks - youtube anything w/ "crank dat _____", you'll find it.. ex. "crank dat millwoods suburban thug"

fuck braa, i think i got into this too much - somebody WIPE ME DOWN! hahaaha

Saturday, October 6, 2007

nu uh, you can't tell me nothing

SONGOFTHEMOMENT; the sound of my clippers to my head

so i guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks - i'm bald, fuck.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

1 month hiatus

SONGOFTHEMOMENT; jay z ft. beyonce - bonnie & clyde

cough cough, oh my head - i feeel so sick.....of work :) so its a lil before 11am and hey, i'm @ home and not at work. i thought i jus needed a day to chill & recollect myself from the past couple weeks. alright dim the lights, we're gonna get emo:

i ain't really gonna pour out my soul n shit, cause we'll i'm not that kinda PERSON that messages comments to other people which really should be for their eyes only, but does it for the fuck of it for reasons i have no idea haha. but i feel this quote from this song applies to us,

Only time we don't speak is during Sex and the City.
She gets Carrie fever, but soon as the show is over
She's right back to being my soldier
i guess she was just watching the boxset, haha.