Wednesday, July 25, 2007

i got these cheeeseburgers

SONGOFTHEMOMENT; jojo - beautiful girls (cover)

so i'm kickin it & it's been an hour already from my post-shower after work...yet i still smell a hint of cheeseburger woffing from my fingertips.

soo i kinda lied about bloggin' more frequently haha. on monday i hit up "k-days" w/ poca &
money-hungry-marvin. why o why ? cause poca wanted to see her gorgie porgie. i was like, "iight all good. @ least i could see my baby mama keisha chante after". but no, fuck no - northlands agricom got fucking raped by mother nature. i swear that bitch turned into a scene in a twister movie. people were runnin' faster than fat kids runnin' to those mini-donut stands, shit was serious haha.

so i'm thinkin if i post shorter shit, i can post more frequently....let's see

love you long time lance

Saturday, July 14, 2007

welcome to africa, bitch

SONGOFTHEMOMENT: ja rule ft. lil wayne - uh ohhhhhhhhhh

i'm turnin my white-tee into a wetnap and i swear i'm starting to develop an jamacian accent to go hand in hand w/ this HOT FIYAAA weather. BUT before i continue, big ups to the birthday mr. "chuckecheeeselifer" stuart mcbride! had the traditional bbq @ his crib yesterday, hella good food- big ups stuart's mom :) haha

been a minute (more like an hour) since i've blessed this blog with my tantalizing fingers typing sexual innuendos for you my love, my diary. so the dynasty of three years @ stokes has come to an end last thursday. && i've commited 40+ a week and my aching back to fulltime position @ newlyweds. @ the end of my shift i either smell like i stepped outta a bollywood movie or i had just "made it rain, then cleared it out" haha.

k i can't keep typing anymore my sweaty palms might cause a short-circuit or some shit on the keyboards if i keep going. i can leave the P.I, but the P.I can't leave me hahaa.

hope to holla back sooner than usual


Monday, July 2, 2007

t-t-t-totally duuude!

SONGOFTHEMOMENT; akon ft. diddy & luda & lil jon - get buck in here

over the past week i've been "partyin like a rockstar" - i've been jammin my heart out w/ my homies on guitar hero haha, shits oh so hella fun but i get a bad vision trip after playin.

so i know that i've tried countless times but i'm going @ it again. imma try to get my hair growin, call me tyrese 'cause i'm already waist deep into the process....well i'm one day shy under a week without turnin on them clippers.

yesterday was canada day && i think it not ONLY hit me, but the other homies - that we might be a lil too old to be hitting millwoods park for the fireworks. don't get me wrong, the fireworks drew me back in for the love of going there. BUT SHIT! i t-t-t-totallly forgot about all the heat that we left behind in the highschool days. for a second i thought we were @ rum jungle. but then i think to myself, i can only garuntee i was probably like that back in the day (i try to black out memories of that kinda shit). so as i stood there watchin the whole roster of miami HEAT walkin around the park, i can only smile & hope they grow out of the phase sooner or later.


this was back in the P.I - && they were trying to sell t-shirts like crackheads, crank up the volume to here this shit haha