Thursday, September 11, 2008

supersoak that hoe... hoe=jeans

8:53am i wake up from the person beside me on the bus rustling her shit together as she gets off. why am i cold? i take a second to think about it as i take my backpack off my lap to secure a "no dirty hobo" buffer zone to the seat beside me. why is my backpack soaking? i finally get my shit together in my head. did i just piss myself? no. i unzip my backpack realizing that my water bottle had opened, filling my backpack of water destroying my hard earned 1 week of notes (haha).

i look down.

the genitalia region with a circumference of about a 6 inch radius all around drenched in what was water contained in my gnarly NAIT water bottle.

8:57am i panic.

9:00am i get off @ grant mac (i'm thinking i don't mind embarassing myself AS MUCH as i would at my own school) i run to the washroom and begin the drying process.

9:10am still wet

9:17 still wet and i realize that people are waiting to use the stall (p.s i'm in the handicapped one) and this whole time they haven't heard any dookie noises, just constant rubbing.

9:23 my pants are finally dry, the people are still outside. i pull a fake flush and act cool with my head high hahah.

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