Tuesday, March 4, 2008

6 hrs of employment-ish

I've been stuck in employment limbo lately. i got enough dinero to last me for a few months, but i feel i should be productive with all my time off (ps. i joined boxing! gigaton punch yo ass haha). but my few recent job choices have been - well, quite honestly have been contradicting my values & beliefs.

In mid-february i started a job as a data entry clerk in a collection agency. Little did i know that these jazz fingers would finish 1 month of data entry in 3 days, so they promoted me to a collecting agent. now, we all know behind that mean mug & tattoos - lance is softer than 2 ply charmin toliet paper. i don't got the heart to shake down people for g's. c'mon now fam, this voice of mine is not ment to be raised to overpower the angered motherfucker on the other line. they were ment to whisper sweet nothings into the hearts of all you KW-heads.

Not too long after my departure from being mr.telephoneman, i was givin the chance to become a LP officer. i am me, and no one else - so when i speak, i speak for myself. not sayin' i was a street-thug (millbourne bred homie!) OR something heaven sent (7rs of jr. serving - HOLLA master J) buuut i've been brought up w/ the belief of crooks over cops. now i'm not pointing fingers @ NWA for making me scream fuck the police, but i wouldn't be surprised if they were a helping hand. but why would i wanna turn into the people i feared when i was a little knucklehead back in the day while i looked left to right as a i pocketed that hubba-bubba in my back pocket.

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