Monday, January 12, 2009


i'm not even going to front. since my detox finished on december 17, 2008 - ive raped my stomach, liver, wallet.

this is why i've created this self challenge that i am determined to endure and complete as of the end of april and continue throughout 2009. my goal is to be at least under 10% (it be gnarly to be 5%) of body fat but have the ryan reynold (no homo) figure. i'm not pushing a 9-5 so i have no excuse not to put in at least an hour or two a day to commit to some sort of physical exercise and proper daily dieting and nutrition.

as of January 11, 2009 i'm sitting at:
Body Mass Index: 28.5 kg/m2
Waist-to-Height ratio: 0.47
Percent Body Fat: 14.6%
Lean Body Mass: 179.3 Lb

now i'm not trying to "kate moss" myself and get all anorexic. i'm trying to lose body fat and hopefully gain some muscle in the process.

i would take a photo of myself for this post but maybe i'll take it another day, i feel hella fat from BENTO BOOMBOX's dinner date ... fuck me :(

i will periodically post every sunday in efforts to document this process. '09 is mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...starting tomorrow...